
Avatars are the rendered visualizations of the human form used by the inhabitants of Dark City. They showcase the ancestry, personality, skills, trade, and allegiance of the humans who wear them.

Avatars are unique both visually and in attributes. They provide their holders with extra skill bonuses to perform in-game actions.

Generation 1 avatars are the most powerful ever to exist in Dark City and are distributed in three different rarities:

Uncommon – bonus in 1 skill
– bonus in 2 skills
– bonus in 3 skills

The values for each bonus are randomly assigned from 17 to 50 points.

The mint of 1337 exclusive Generation 1 Avatars is currently taking place here.

Dark City Season 1: Net Scavengers

The first season of Dark City will consist of a competition to invade dormant networks of Paradise Computer. Players will accumulate points for collaborating and participating in breaching these networks to earn prizes in $DRK, distributed at the end of the season.

Gangsters will have advantages based on the participation of their fellow gang members in the competition, making in-gang collaboration is encouraged.

(Checking the traits of an Avatar on Magic Eden)


Players can develop a set of skills to enhance their in-game capacities. Each type of skill is linked to the use of a specific type of software and/or hardware.

Most often, a player’s skills begin at 0 and can grow endlessly. In some cases, specific items – such as Avatars – can provide built-in skill bonuses.

  • Attack and Penetration:* Used to attack a network in the most traditional sense. Attacking reduces the Breach Resistance of a network.
  • Defense: Used to prevent other players, networks, and AIs from attacking you or others.
  • Obfuscation and Anonymity* Used to execute actions anonymously on the Dnet, this is especially useful to reduce the Alert Level of a network during an attack. Allowing a network to reach its maximum alert level could have serious consequences for those invading it.
  • Network Scanning* Used to find dormant networks as well as to enhance players’ understanding of the internal structure of a network. Strategically, a very important skill.
  • Encryption and Data Analysis Used to process encrypted data packages that contain loot, pieces of software, hardware and other valuable information.
  • Hardware Engineering Used to repair and craft new hardware.
  • Software Engineering Used to repair and craft new software.