Discord Verification


* Holders of gang chipsets (both Gang Member and OG) are now able to claim their role on Discord.

* Players who already have a Gang or OG role but do not hold a chipset in their wallet will have until December 26, 2023, to acquire one to keep their allegiance to their gang. If they don’t hold a gang chipset by then, their membership will be revoked.

* Players who are already part of a Gang can switch gangs or scale their status to OG by holding the item in their wallet and following the instructions below.

* Each player can only use 1 OG or Gang Chipset for Discord verification.


Step 1: Log in to dark.city

Step 2: Open your profile by entering the command profile. Copy your Dnet code for use in Step 5.

Step 3: Open your inventory by entering the command inv and select the gang chipset you want to use. Copy the unique ID of the item for use in Step 5.

Step 4: Join our Discord server.

Step 4: On Discord, use the command /chipset and enter your Dnet code and the ID for your gang chipset.


How long does the process take?

After submitting the command, the Moon Runners will confirm your hold the chipset used for verification and deploy your membership. This process might take up to 10 minutes.

How do I find my Dnet code?

You can find more detailed instructions here.

How do I find and select my Gang Chipset ID?

After logging into Dark City, open your profile and type inv. Click on the Gang Chipset of your choice. The Gang Chipset must be in the same wallet (Native Segwit) the player registered in Dark City and be visible in their inventory.