
As an open world, Dark City is an immersive experience. As such, the game is open ended. Players can create their own path and become whatever they choose. To do this, they must build their character, skillset and connections, acquiring various forms of power on the way.

Power is defined by:

  • Financial capital: Amount of Dark City tokens ($DRK) and properties controlled by the player, allowing them to purchase and/or acquire items, access, business, influence, software/hardware and properties in general. Financial capital can by acquired by completing quests, jobs, hacking activities, negotiations with other players or directly purchasing Dark City tokens.

  • Social capital: Subjective index of socio-political influence held by a player. It’s related to the capacity a player has to be trusted, form alliances and impose/increase their sphere of influence over other players and groups. It’s acquired by in-game behavior, and influenced by their in-game overall power.

  • Capacity to perform or resist in-game actions: The capacity and limits a player has to act and influence others actions in the game. It’s defined by its inventory, character stats, skills and level. In-game actions in general require spending money, hardware and physical capacities. Most of them depend on specific software.

These forms of in-game power are deeply interrelated, co-dependent and co-produced.